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  • Writer's pictureAlyssa Woolslair, LMHC

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

As humans, we are often surrounded by communication with others. Whether it is at work, with family and friends, or running errands on the weekends. The number of interactions with others is hard to count, but it is our interaction with ourselves that is the MOST powerful.

Self-talk refers to the internal dialogue we have within ourselves. It is the constant flow of unspoken thoughts that run through our heads daily. For some, this self-talk is positive. For others, these thoughts are more negative. Studies have shown that it is much easier for us to be hard on ourselves than it is to be positive. We often find ourselves being harsh, critical, or judging the things we do and the things we say.

Being aware of this pattern and having a want to change it is the first step to making this hard, yet powerful shift of mindset. Positive self-talk takes patience and practice. Making a conscious effort to practice positive self-talk will allow it to come more easily and naturally in the future, with the goal of having a more positive mindset and outlook overall.

Here are some ways to work on implementing positive self-talk:

Challenge yourself.

Challenging yourself is an important part of practicing positive self-talk. As stated above, it is much easier for us to be hard on ourselves. If you notice yourself thinking negatively, or highlighting faults, stop yourself. Be conscious of the negative mindset and make a strong effort to reframe your thinking into something more positive.

Pairing the thought stopping technique with the reframing technique is a great way to start the process of retraining your brain. Changing your perspective can have a powerful impact on your response to a situation and on the way you view yourself.

Below is an example of this process:

  • Negative thought: “I am not cut out to lead this meeting today. I am not capable, and I know it is going to go poorly.”

  • Thought stopping: “I’m being negative again. This isn’t going to help. I am going to make a conscious effort to reframe this thought.”

  • Reframe: “I am nervous, but I know I am prepared and capable of leading this meeting. It is going to go well, and I will feel relieved after. I can do this!”

Add it to your daily routine.

Just like with any new change to your life, positive self-talk takes practice. Making it a point to add this practice to your daily routine will invite the ability to change your perspective on a more regular basis.

Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Choose a time that you will remember to practice. This can be right when you wake up, on your way to work, or right before bed. You can give yourself credit for recent success and growth or acknowledge a recently achieved goal. You can acknowledge the positive qualities about yourself and highlight strengths.

There is no strict format for positive self-talk. The most important piece is to focus on being positive. This positivity will help you train your brain to think on the bright side rather than dwelling on the negative.

Check in with yourself.

Check ins are an important part of making a conscious effort to practice positive self-talk. It is a way to reflect on the mindset you’ve had for the day, and your abundance or lack of self-compassion.

If you feel like you’ve had a positive mindset and have been kind to yourself, acknowledge that and give yourself credit for it. Reflect on how this pattern has shifted your mood for the day and use this shift as motivation to keep the pattern going.

If you feel you’ve been more negative or hard on yourself, it is important to acknowledge this too. Use this acknowledgement as time for a reset. Make an effort to implement more positive self-talk as an attempt to shift your mindset for the remainder of the day. Not all days are going to be positive, but you have the ability to shift your mindset and end the day on a good note.

Use “I am” affirmations.

“I am” affirmations are extremely powerful when it comes to increasing self-worth and working on positive self-talk. Acknowledging your strengths and qualities is a great way to shift your mindset and train your brain into thinking more positively. Setting aside time to practice self-affirmations can significantly improve your mood and mindset. It can also be helpful to write them down and place them throughout your home or office as a healthy and helpful reminder.

Some examples of powerful “I am” affirmations:

  • I am worthy.

  • I am beautiful.

  • I am enough.

  • I am loved.

  • I am capable.

  • I am strong.

  • I am resilient.

The more you practice positive self-talk, the easier and more organic it will feel. Shifting your mindset can improve your mood, regulate your emotions, and give you a more positive outlook on your past, current, and future situations. Feeling better about yourself can improve your connections and relationships with others and make you feel more motivated to achieve set goals for yourself. All growth and change takes time, but making an effort to put in the work and being patient with yourself will aid in an overall improvement in your self-worth.

Counseling Can Help!

If you need additional support with boosting your positive self-talk or developing more happiness into your life, counseling can help! Contact me for your complimentary consultation at 954-391-5305.

I provide counseling for adults at our beautiful Plantation office with Bayview Therapy. I also offer online counseling for those who live in Florida on our secure telehealth platform. For more information about my services, click here.

I look forward to speaking with you!


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