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Wellness Blog Topics:
Counseling in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, & Plantation, FL

Carla Barrow, LMFT
Can Couples Therapy Help if My Partner is a Narcissist?
As a couples therapist, it’s not unusual for someone to call for help, declaring that the marital problem is their narcissistic partner.....

Jessica Jefferson, LMFT
5 Tips to Talk to Your Partner About Starting Couples Counseling
Couples counseling has been shown to help couples work through their issues to help improve their relationship.

Jackie Schwartz, LMFT
How to Communicate Proactively in Your Relationship
When it comes to relationships, proactivity is the name of the game. This means that instead of waiting for something to go wrong...

Jamie Ratowski, LMFT
Establishing Healthy Boundaries In A New Relationship
Entering into a new relationship can be both exciting and nerve wracking. However, it is also a crucial time to create healthy...

Carla Barrow, LMFT
Understanding the Role of ADHD With Couples
One of the things I love about couples therapy is that no two couples are alike. One unique difficulty facing some couples...

Jamie Ratowski, LMFT
Navigating The Holidays With Your In-Laws
The holidays can be a wonderful time filled with joy, happiness, family, and friends. But it also has a way to bring stress and anxiety...

Jackie Schwartz, LMFT
How to Maintain a Positive Perspective of Your Partner
Maintaining a positive perspective of one’s partner is one of the most important components of a healthy relationship....

David Schlagter, LCSW
Can a Marriage Survive Infidelity?
Yes, a marriage can survive infidelity. Is it going to be easy, No. It is one of the hardest things, if not the hardest, that couples...

Jamie Ratowski, LMFT
It’s Date Night: The 10 Best Date Night Ideas In Plantation, Florida
As I have mentioned before, quality time is such an important aspect of maintaining a healthy, intimate connection in your relationship.....

Carla Barrow, LMFT
Politically Diverse Couples - What Do We Do Now?
If you’ve been watching the news lately, you’ve seen some historic events unfolding. Politics is in motion....

Jackie Schwartz, LMFT
How Discernment Counseling Can Help Couples Gain More Clarity
Discernment counseling is intended for couples who have made a permanent commitment to one another whether or not they are legally married.

Jamie Ratowski, LMFT
How to Get My Partner to Come to Couples Therapy?
Marriage counseling and couples therapy is a highly important and successful treatment that can help repair and restore your relationship...

Carla Barrow, LMFT
How Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Can Help Couples: Part II
In part 2 of "How Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Can Help Couples", we look at how self-validation lessens the sting of conflict...
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