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Wellness Blog Topics:
Counseling in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, & Plantation, FL

Bayview Therapy
Dealing with Teenage Rebellion: What to Do and What to Avoid
Teenage rebellion is a common phenomenon that can be both frustrating and concerning for parents. As adolescents strive for independence...

Bayview Therapy
Supporting Your Teen’s Mental Health During Exam Periods
Exam periods can be incredibly stressful for teenagers. The pressure to perform well, coupled with the challenges of balancing schoolwork...

Bayview Therapy
Helping Your Teen Successfully Transition Back to School: A Parent's Guide
As summer break draws to a close, the transition back to school can be a challenging time for teenagers. As a parent, you play a crucial....

Jessica Califf, LMFT
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Parent Coaching
Parenting is one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding jobs ever! If you’re struggling with your role or confidence as a parent...

Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT
O preço que os jovens pagam pelas altas expectativas acadêmicas de hoje
Você já escutou a frase ou disse a você mesmo, "Quando eu estava na sua idade, eu andava quilômetros até a escola...

Jamie Ratowski, LMFT
Self-esteem is having confidence in your abilities, your worth, and your overall value as individuals. With strong self-esteem your relation

Dr. Heather Kuhl, PsyD, LMFT
Demystifying Psychological Testing and Evaluations
Are you confused about what psychological testing is or why someone might benefit from having an evaluation? Well, you are not alone. I get

Dr. Kelli Malkasian, PsyD, CEDS
ED – Friend or Foe?
So many women I have treated over the years have referred to “ED” aka their Eating Disorder as a best friend and their worst enemy all at th

Kate Campbell, PhD, LMFT
Snapchat, the Latest Cyber Bullying Tactic?
You may not have heard of Snapchat, the mobile app that enables users to capture videos and images that self-destruct after a few seconds.
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