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Wellness Blog Topics:
Counseling in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, & Plantation, FL

Sara Speed, LMHC
5 Things Every First Responder Should Know
We know without a doubt that a police officer is going to be adept at handling a firearm when he/she steps onto the job for the first time..

Sara Speed, LMHC
A Love Letter to the First Responder Spouse
Everywhere you go people are thanking him for his service. He gets discounts at Home Depot, is the star of every Career Day...

Bayview Therapy
The Importance of Counseling for First Responders
As we navigate through these challenging times in our world, it becomes increasingly vital to shine a light on the mental health...

Sara Speed, LMHC
How to Break Free From a Toxic Family Member: The Antivenom for Poisonous Family
“Adulting” doesn’t come with many benefits, but one of them is being able to choose who you want to be in your inner circle...

Sara Speed, LMHC
The Pleasure Principle
Many people seek therapy looking for the meaning of life, grasping at the meaning of their life. What is my purpose?

Sara Speed, LMHC
Looking For a Certified EMDR Therapist in South Florida?
We’re thrilled to announce that our team member, Sara Speed, LMHC, is officially a Certified EMDR Therapist!!

Sara Speed, LMHC
The Journey of Healing When You’ve Lost a Loved One
There is no roadmap for healing, no statute of limitations on grief. The journey of a broken heart is a highly variable and individual one.

Sara Speed, LMHC
Do I Really Need Therapy as a First Responder?
As a first responder, you are entrusted with the care and well-being of an entire community. It’s not easy knowing when to ask for help, esp

Sara Speed, LMHC
First Responder 911: How EMDR Can Help Those Who Help Us
When many of us think of first responders, we envision the firefighter in full bunker gear bravely running into the burning building.

Sara Speed, LMHC
How to Overcome Anxiety
There was a time in our history where fear didn’t just serve a purpose, it was absolutely critical. Our primitive past as a species when...

Sara Speed, LMHC
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! The News May Be Making You Sick.
Your alarm goes off, it is still dark outside. The day is new, and the entire world is getting off to a fresh start...
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