Bayview TherapyFirst RespondersFree Counseling for Children of First Responders in FloridaBayview Therapy has partnered with the First Responder Children’s Foundation to provide FREE counseling for Florida based children...
Jessica Califf, LMFTParenting3 Things You Didn’t Know About Parent CoachingParenting is one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding jobs ever! If you’re struggling with your role or confidence as a parent...
Dr. Halle Roebuck, LMFTAnxietyHow to Support a Child with Social AnxietyMany parents consider shyness and social anxiety as one and the same. However, social anxiety is more complex than general shyness...
Lorena Arrarte, LMHCCounseling in SpanishBeneficios de la terapia EMDR en niños Se estará preguntando acerca de cómo esta nueva modalidad de terapia EMDR puede ayudar a su hijo a superar sentimientos o pensamientos....
David Schlagter, LCSWStressWhy Family Therapy Is BeneficialA family therapist looks at the whole family system instead of just the “identified client”.
Jennifer Rosario, LMFTMotherhood4 Steps to Help Your Child Transition from Holiday Break to School ModeBack to reality we go. The holiday season has officially come to an end. Holidays are notoriously known as a time of indulgence...
Dr. Kelli Malkasian, PsyD, CEDSEating DisordersED – Friend or Foe?So many women I have treated over the years have referred to “ED” aka their Eating Disorder as a best friend and their worst enemy all at th
Bayview TherapyTesting and EvaluationsHow to Parent an Anxious Child Without Making it WorseWhen children struggle with moderate to severe anxiety, even the most calm and positive parent can become stressed out and impatient. If you
Simone Finnis, LMFTTesting and Evaluations4 Tips For Improving Your Child's BehaviorThere are times when you feel you are about to pull your hair out with frustration. Just when your child is acting out