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  • Writer's pictureKate Campbell, PhD, LMFT

Six Tips To Manage Holiday Stress

Ah, the holidays, or should I say AHHH!!! The holidays. We all wait for them, love them, and then when they arrive, we dread them. Why do you ask? The spending, the indulging, and yes, even the family dynamics can cause stress. Here are six tips to manage holiday stress.

1) Set a spending budget: Review your finances, and start planning ahead. Come up with a realistic spending budget. Buying gifts should never affect your ability to pay bills.

2) Get plenty of exercises: Exercise can alleviate stress. Strive for at least 30 minutes three days a week. You can walk, run, swim or dance. Just get out there and get moving!

3) Keep it simple: You don’t have to go to every party or cook every dinner. Ask for help, know your limitations. Say yes when you want to and no when you need to.

4) Take time for yourself: Setting aside time for yourself is a great way to cope with stress. Get your hair done, go for a walk outside, read a book or binge on your favorite Netflix show. Even 15 minutes of alone time can make a world of difference.

5) Pick your battles: Now is NOT the time to tell Uncle Charlie how much you don’t like his new wife. Being with the family in close quarters for a long period of time can be stressful. Try to stay calm and stay on neutral topics. If you feel something brewing, take a quick break. Politely excuse yourself from the situation. Take a bathroom break or get a breath of fresh air outside.

6) Plan ahead: Set specific times for visiting friends, shopping, baking, or other activities. Planning ahead will help prevent last-minute overwhelm.

The holidays are a blessing and it’s important to focus on what we’re grateful for. If you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious about the holidays, therapy can help!

Give Dr. Kate Campbell, LMFT, and the team at Bayview Therapeutic Services a call at (954)391-5305 or visit to see how we can help you stress less this season! Dr. Kate provides anxiety treatment, stress management therapy, and anxiety counseling in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for individuals and their loved ones.

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