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Wellness Blog Topics:
Counseling in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, & Plantation, FL

Bayview Therapy
Handling In-Law Conflicts: Tips for Couples
Navigating relationships with in-laws can be one of the more challenging aspects of marriage....

Bayview Therapy
10 Reasons Why Play Therapy is Great for Kids
Play therapy, a therapeutic approach primarily used with children, has gained significant attention over the years. It's not just....

Bayview Therapy
Free Counseling for Children of First Responders in Florida
Bayview Therapy has partnered with the First Responder Children’s Foundation to provide FREE counseling for Florida based children...

Claire Clarkin, LMHC
Adult Children of Alcoholics: Overcoming Your Parents’ Addiction
As addiction rates increase across the US, a heartbreaking reality becomes evident- addiction is a family disease...

Jessica Jefferson, LMFT
5 Tips to Talk to Your Partner About Starting Couples Counseling
Couples counseling has been shown to help couples work through their issues to help improve their relationship.

Sara Speed, LMHC
How to Break Free From a Toxic Family Member: The Antivenom for Poisonous Family
“Adulting” doesn’t come with many benefits, but one of them is being able to choose who you want to be in your inner circle...

Jessica Califf, LMFT
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Parent Coaching
Parenting is one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding jobs ever! If you’re struggling with your role or confidence as a parent...

Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
5 Practical Tips For Working Moms
Moms are master multitaskers. We wear 100 hats and are constantly balancing the mental, physical and emotional load...

Dr. Halle Roebuck, LMFT
How to Support a Child with Social Anxiety
Many parents consider shyness and social anxiety as one and the same. However, social anxiety is more complex than general shyness...

Kate Campbell, PhD, LMFT
Exciting News! We're Opening a 3rd Counseling Office in Plantation, Florida This Summer!
We’re expanding our counseling and psychology group practice with a brand new, luxurious office space in Plantation, Florida.

Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT
7 Tips to Navigate the Holidays with Your Dysfunctional Family
The holidays tend to be an excellent time for slowing down the pace, regaining balance, and connecting with family and loved ones.

Nicole Ambrose, LCSW
How To Cope With Dysfunctional Family Gatherings
Here it is… your family gathering survival guide! You’ve gained some ground around your childhood trauma.

Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT
Como fazer com que sua família participe de terapia familiar?
Faz tempo que você gostaria de se sentar com a família e conversar sobre muitas coisas que nunca foram expressadas.

Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT
How Can I Get My Family To Participate In And Benefit From Family Counseling?
You have wanted to sit down with your family for some time because many things have been left unsaid, but the lack of communication...

David Schlagter, LCSW
Why Family Therapy Is Beneficial
A family therapist looks at the whole family system instead of just the “identified client”.
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